Innovation Anthology #507:

Dr. Kevin Keough

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The Alberta Prion Research Institute was established in 2005 to combat the mad cow crisis that closed Alberta’s borders to the export of beef.

Today, the Institute operates under the umbrella of Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions.

Dr. Kevin Keough
is executive director of the Prion Institute.

The scientists who were concerned about this recognized that the nature of this disease at the level of the cells and the molecules involved a certain type of what I will call normal proteins going rogue, changing their shape and causing problems. So the mandate was given to the Institute not just to study prions, which are the agents that cause BSE but also to study other protein misfolding diseases. And some of those involved other neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and what not. So the government found $35 million dollars. They invested the funding, and the Institute was created and we were given a mandate to build the capacity, which is what we’ve done I think quite well.

Thanks today to Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions.

You can listen to the full interview with Dr. Keough at




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Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions

The Alberta Innovates consolidation launched on November 1, 2016.

As part of the Alberta Innovates system, AI Bio Solutions invests in research and innovation to grow prosperity in Alberta’s agriculture, food and forestry sectors. The publicly funded board-governed corporation works with partners to identify, coordinate and fund research projects. AI Bio Solutions helps solve industry challenges with solutions that deliver economic, environmental and social benefits.


18th Floor,
Phipps McKinnon Building
10020 – 101A Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5J 3G2


Program Date: 2012-10-25