Innovation Anthology #703:

Dr Adam Fenech

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Back in the early 1900’s, Alexander McKay was the superintendent of schools in Nova Scotia.  

He made natural history part of the curriculum and for 23 years, children in one room school houses around the province recorded their observations of plants, animals and weather.

Climatologist Dr. Adam Fenech at the University of Prince Edward Island has revived this idea.

DR ADAM FENECH:   The Climate Diary is a book that shows  pictures of over a hundred observations that can be taken that would be important for climatologists over time of the appearance and disappearance of sort of seasonal events. So that the  first arrival of bird species, the first blooming of plant species and other activities that go on  on the Island.   Plants and animals, they are great integrators of climate variables.  What this Climate Diary does is it gives you a description and a photograph of an observation to make.   And then there’s 25 years of data that we could put in, so that you can compare year to year, when is the first time that you saw your American robin.  

Dr. Fenech plans to hold tea socials where Prince Edward Islanders can discuss their yearly observations.  




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Program Date: 2015-07-30