Innovation Anthology #627:

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Researchers from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland have put a new twist on carbon capture.

So promising is their technology, they received one of 24 Grand Challenge grants from the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation.

Graham Carter is the Intellectual Property Manager with Robert Gordon University.

GRAHAM CARTER:  Our project is based upon the idea that, you know, wouldn’t it be nice if you could stick a great big catalytic converter onto the chimney of any kind of industrial facility that’s producing CO2 rich flue gas. and convert it into something far more useful and economically valuable. 

As Graham Carter explains, the converted product coming out the other end of the pipe would be syngas

GRAHAM CARTER:  Now syngas is a very commonly used precursor to a number of chemical processing steps.  You can use syngas to make hydrogen.  You can use syngas to make methanol, which itself a precursor to chemical processing activities that feed into a lot of products globally. 

The Grand Challenge funding will help Robert Gordon University move its converter technology from lab bench to market.

Thanks today to the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation





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Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation


Program Date: 2014-07-17