Innovation Anthology #383:

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The sand and rocks dug up in oil sands mining are highly abrasive and corrosive.

Maintenance for replacing equipment costs the oil sands industry about 3 billion dollars a year.

Lost productivity adds on another 5 to 7 billion.

That’s where MARIOS comes in. MARIOS is a research consortium designed to improve Materials And Reliability In Oil Sands operations.

Dr. John Wolodko leads this program at Alberta Innovates Technology Futures.

DR. JOHN WOLODKO: What’s unique about the MARIOS program is that not only do we have the operators of the oil companies, but we’ve brought in basically the whole supply chain: fabricators, materials and equipment suppliers, engineering firms It’s one thing to do research and find solutions but it’s another thing to implement those solutions and the only way typically that will get done is through the supply chain. So it’s a very unique model in that we’re generating understanding, we’re generating the potential for technology, we’re doing demonstration, we’re doing engineering, but we’re doing it in a manner that will eventually get to the field.

According to Dr. John Wolodko, MARIOS has thirty members, and there is interest in expanding its scope to include SAG-D and other in-situ operations.

Thanks today to Alberta Innovates Technology Futures




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Alberta Innovates Technology Futures

Alberta Innovates launched its consolidation on November 1, 2016


250 Karl Clark Road,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6N 1E4


Program Date: 2011-03-10